Sunday, 10 June 2012

The Impact of Technology

In a way that technology impacted my learning has been through an easy access to new and different types of information. We have the opportunity to be open to all these websites that give us the tools to expand our learning and have more information about a topic that we are interest in. Most of the time we take for grant it how accessible is for us to learn about a new issue that is happening in our planet. We may hear about it everywhere, but we don'take the time to actually do the research for the issue and see the different perspectives and point of views that different people have. Reading the posts that my classmates posted made me realize that the information is out there. Some of the posts putted me in a difficult position. It seems like the only reason people decides to stay ignorant is because they choose to not take action. Technology is a way for people to share what they are passionate about with others. It gives you the freedom to say "this is what interest me and this is what it is happening around us" even though most of the people don't want to face reality. So now we have to ask ourselves in which part of the equation we want o remain for the rest of our lives.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

My Learning and Understanding

One of the main reasons why I chose this topic is because Malaria has always been known as one of the top diseases in Africa, but not that many people takes the time to answer the questions of why? And What's the impact that has on the people living there? This investigation helped me to obtain more understanding about the issue and the different situations that the population in Africa deals with. We tend to take this type of issues for granted because of the simple fact that it isn't happening to us, making ourselves blind, walking the other way, pretending that everything is under control, when in reality the problem still exist and we are just not giving it the attention it needs so it can be stop. It is interesting how Malaria not only affects the population, but it also has a huge impact on the economy and it is one of the causes for the cycle of poverty in Africa to still continue ; I never thought of that and it is definitely a good piece of information to take in. Everything is connected in one way or another and even though different organizations are trying to help it doesn't mean that we can't get involved in the movement. We can do as little as spreading awareness and spreading our knowledge. Thinking that the only reason why we don't have to deal with situations like that its because we are lucky to have such a great environment to live in. Everyone has the right to a safe environment and I admire everyone who is trying to make a change in the world by trying to achieve that for the people in Africa. I know it's hard and it has taken many years just to make it all the way they had by involving more and more people everyday, but organization hasn't given up and they are always looking for new medicine, new ways to educate the population about what's happening and the preventions they should be taking at home about Malaria. All of that requires dedication and motivation to know that everything takes time in this life and every cause needs to be fought for until the end.  

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Random Facts About Africa...

1.  Africa is the second largest of the earth’s seven continents and makes up approximately 22% of the earth’s total land area.

2.  While Africa makes up about 16% of the world’s population, fully one quarter of the world’s languages are spoken only in Africa.

3. Arabic (in various dialects) is the most common language spoken in Africa with about 170 million speakers, primarily residing in North Africa. In the continent as a whole, there are over 2,000 recognized languages spoken.

4. African elephants are the largest living land animals.They can weigh up to 6-7 tons and drink 160 liters of water a day.

5. Difficult to estimate but there are at least 3,000 distinct ethnic groups in Africa. A large country like Nigeria has more than 370 recognized tribes.

6. Africa is the second largest continent (after Asia) with 700 million people.

7. Egypt is the most popular tourist destination in Africa, attracting around 10 million visitors per year.

8. There are fewer people with Internet access in the entire Africa than in New York City alone.

9. More people are killed in Africa by crocodiles than by lions.

10. Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa with an estimated population of 125 - 145 million people.